MAY 2012
First developments
Development of the our first inertial navigation solution AGM-PS. It was originally intended for use in aerial photography with various cameras, including PhaseOne, Nikon, Canon, etc. Later it was used for spherical panoramic photographing of highways by FLIR camera (at the time PointGrey) LadyBug 5.

JUNE 2013
Studying UAV
First test of the unmanned airborne aerial camera system based on the UAV ZALA 421. The experience gained in the development of this complex was later used by us in the development of the our first airborne laser scanner for the UAV AGM-MS3.

MARCH 2014
First mobile laser scanner
Tests of the our first prototype of mobile laser scanner AGM-MS. It was built on the basis of the inertial navigation system AGM-PS, the laser scanner FARO Focus X120 and the spherical panoramic camera FLIR (at the time PointGrey) LadyBug 5.

JULY 2014
Testing MLS in difficult conditions
The first practical application of the AGM-MS mobile laser scanning system under difficult conditions for inventory and diagnostics of regional highways of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, including mountainous areas. The experience of more than 1000 km of surveying allowed us to significantly refine the system to ensure accuracy and stability of the work.

First serial product
Completion of the development of the 7th version of the prototype of the AGM-MS mobile laser scanner, which subsequently begins to be serially produced under the name AGM-MS7. This version incorporates the improvements made on the results of surveying thousands of kilometers of municipal, regional and federal highways in various regions of Russia for the purposes of engineering surveys, inventory, diagnostics, development of road traffic control projects, cadastre, etc.

AGM Systems LLC foundation
Production of equipment for mobile and airborne laser scanning and related software is allocated to separate company AGM Systems LLC.

JUNE 2016
State Register of Measuring Instruments
Mobile laser scanning system AGM-MS7 confirmed its unique technical characteristics during the tests at Russian Metrological Institute of Technical Physics and Radio Engineering (VNIIFTRI) and was included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

Great experience of using
The AGM-MS7 mobile laser scanning systems surveyed more than 50,000 km of highways in various regions of Russia for the purposes of engineering surveys, inventory, diagnostics, development of road traffic control systems, cadastre, etc.

MARCH 2017
First Airborne Laser Scanner
AGM Systems LLC presented its first airborne laser scanner for UAV AGM-MS3. It was based on the inertial navigation system AGM-PS and the Velodyne laser scanner. The accumulated experience in the development of equipment for mobile laser scanning, airborne laser scanning, and the using of UAVs for aerial photography made it possible to create a convenient, reliable, accurate and commercially effective product.

AGM Systems LLC for the first time takes part in the international exhibition INTERGEO as an exhibitor.

AGM Systems LLC became a resident of Skolkovo. It is the unique project aimed to attract the best Russian talent and to encourage them to develop their own innovations.

MAY 2020
Velodyne Lidar
We became the official integrator of Velodyne Lidar for solutions for airborne and mobile laser scanning.

Unique algorithms
We have developed our own unique algorithms for processing data from high-precision inertial navigation systems.

Own lidars
Compact, lightweight and efficient self-developed lidars are presented on the international market.